Senin, 07 Mei 2012

Direct Speech / Quoted Speech Indirect Speech / Reported Speech

Direct Speech / Quoted Speech
Mengatakan apa kata seseorang disebut pidato langsung (terkadang disebut pidato dikutip)
Berikut apa seseorang mengatakan muncul dalam tanda kutip ("...") dan harus kata demi kata
For example:
She said, "Today's lesson is on presentations."
Indirect Speech / Reported Speech
Pidato langsung (terkadang disebut pidato dilaporkan), tidak menggunakan tanda kutip untuk menyertakan apa yang orang katakan dan tidak harus kata demi kata.
Saat melaporkan pidato tegang biasanya berubah. Hal ini karena ketika kita menggunakan pidato dilaporkan, kita biasanya berbicara tentang waktu di masa lalu (karena sudah jelas orang yang berbicara awalnya berbicara di masa lalu). Kata kerja karena itu biasanya harus di masa lalu juga
For example:
Direct speech
Indirect speech
"I'm going to school", he said.
He said that he was go to school

Tense change
As a rule when you report something someone has said you go back a tense: (the tense on the left changes to the tense on the right):
Direct speech

Indirect speech

Present simple
She said, "It's hot."
Past simple
She said it was hot.

Present continuous
She said, "
French language teaching."
Past continuous
She said she was teaching french .

Direct speech
Indirect speech
"My name is Dila", she said.
She said her name was Dila.
She said her name is Dila.
 You can also use the present tense if you are talking about a future event
Direct speech (exact quote)
Indirect speech (not exact)
"Next week's lesson is on reported speech ", she said.
She said next week's lesson is on reported speech.
Time change
If the reported sentence contains an expression of time. You must change it to fit in with the time of reporting.
. For example we need to change words like here and yesterday if they have different meanings at the time and place of reporting.
+ 24 hours - Indirect speech
"Today's lesson is on presentations."
She said yesterday's lesson was on presentations.

Expressions of time if reported on a different day
this (evening)
that (evening)
yesterday ...
these (days)
those (days)
Pronoun Change
In reported speech the pronoun often changes
For example :
"I teach English online."
She said she teaches English online.
Reporting Verbs
Said, told and asked are the most common verbs used in indirect speech
We use asked to report question
For example : I asked lynne what time the lesson started
We use told with an object
For example : Lynne told me she felt tired.

Active passive

ACTIVE  sentences - the form is Present Perfect
          Watter surrounds in irland

PASSIVE  sentences – so it must to has been and  V3
          The irland surrounded by watter.

PASSIVE sentences – the form is Simple Present
          Ann’s purse stalen by a thief.

ACTIVE  sentences – so it must to change the verb from V3 to V1
          Thief has steal ann’s purse.       


Tips LDR (long distance relationships)

Separated by a distance that does not mean a love affair has to end.
There is still hope for your relationship would continue its struggle with more ..
Above is his belief without the belief that long-distance relationship that will never run as expected and that the key to a long distance relationship
The second is try to see even a flash, even though how busy take the time to meet to give a sense of longing ..
The third is a commitment to your partner and it is very important in long-distance relationship in the sense that is constantly reminding myself to keep faithful to the partner ..
And finally keep the communication in today's no longer a problem with communications you can lwat video chat, phone, instant messaging, social media and its various channels of communication ..

I hope that's helpful tips from ya :)

I hope the coming 5 years

I hope the coming 5 years

I would lakuan five years that I would build a place to eat typical Indonesia.

Why do I choose a restaurant because I love indoseia culinary and especially all the food I really likes to Indonesia. 

Foods that are mainly in the restaurant I will develop my gado gado is later,

Gado gado Jakarta's most delicious typical of its main ingredients are all derived from vegetables that make these foods taste delicious peanut sauce which was very similar to typical Indonesian tongue ..

Gado gado and food, I will introduce it to the international stage, this is my ideal goal for the next five years :)